"Israel Pulls Back Troops from Southern Gaza: What's Next?
overseas now today Israel announced thatit was withdrawing some of its forces from Southern Gazabringing its trooppresence there to the lowest level sincethe War Began 6 months ago todaythemove is Raising questions about when andif Israel will send Ground Forces intoRafa where more than 1 million refugeeshave fled 360news's brick clanet reports intonight from TelAviv tonight Israel is saying it's withddraing ground troops from Southern Gazain preparation for future
operationsincluding an expected ground defensiveintoRafa the war in Gaza continues IDF Chiefhery halvi says and we are far fromstopping the IDF officials telling 360News some forces continue to operate inthe Gaza Strip to preserve its freedomof action Israel leaving the southerncity of hunus after the IDF says Hamasceased to exist as a military frameworkthere residents today returning home towreckage anddevastation it's a shock one man saysthe destruction is unbearable
Israelsaying rougher is hamas's last majorstronghold but it's also where 1.3million displaced Palestinians fled forsafety from Central and NorthernGaza prime minister Benjamin Netanyahufacing mounting pressure abroad and athome for a second night Israelis comingout in huge crowds demanding theirhostages come home anger inside Israelover those yet to be rescued hostages
spilling out onto the streetsIsrael also on high alert from imminentnew threats from Iran which has vowed toretaliate blaming Israel for the deadlybombing of its Consulate in Syria which
killed seven revolutionary guard membersincluding a topCommander one Iranian military adviser
quoted saying none of Israel's embassiesare safe anymore speaking to 360 NewsWorld Central Kitchen founder JoseAndreas livered over what he believes
was a targeted attack on a clearlymarked Convoy of Aid workers on Mondayobviously this was a targeted
we could argue that the first one let'ssaywas amistake thesecond the third Lindsay the IDF saysit's made grave mistakes and that thecharity did coordinate with thembeforehand and we're being told anIsraeli delegation is now in Cairo alongwith Hamas representatives and CIAdirector Bill Burns to hammer out ahostage and ceasefire deal Lindsay Brit
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