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latest news updates from north korea


North Korea's ballistic missile launch

on April 2nd was a violation of United

Nations sanctions it was pyongyang's

third such test this year and came just

days after Russia vetoed the annual

renewal of the UN panel that monitors

sanctions compliance the panel's work

was gradually reduced to CTA to Western

approaches reprinting biased information

analyzing newspaper headlines and using

lowquality satellite imagery the panel

will not be able to continue its

important work including in documenting

apparent violations of the sanctions

regime in place the UN has dispatched

its own ambassador to the UN Linda

Thomas Greenfield to South Korea and

Japan to discuss ways to establish a new

monitoring mechanism to continue

reporting on the North's ongoing

violation of un sanctions the US does

have monitoring structures in place for

monitoring uh North Korea's evasion of

their sanction regimes uh so do a number

of their allies and they have a network

of Pacific countries that work together

to kind of share and exchange that

information the issue is that

information isn't impartial Ambassador

Linda Thomas Greenfield's trip comes

amid us accusations that North Korea is

supplying weapons to Russia for use in

its war in Ukraine Moscow and pongyang

have denied those accusations we haven't

never recognized un security the council

sanction resolution against

gprk that directly run counter to the

principles of sovereign equality and non

interference Internal Affairs stipulated

in the UN Charter Ambassador Linda

Thomas Greenfield will also meet with

North Korean defectors at the

demilitarized zone and families of

Japanese citizens who were abducted by

North Korea in the late 1970s but the

question remains will she come away with

a new independent plan to monitor

pyongyang's continued Defiance of un

sanctions Frank UC charity world the

United Nations

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