following Indian Prime Minister Narendramodi's visit to Russia India and Ukraineare now headed towards a diplomaticFallout Ukrainian president vadirzelinski criticized prime ministermodi's meeting with Russian PresidentVladimir Putin calling it a devastatingblow to peace efforts his remarks camein the backdrop of the hospital attackin Ukraine that killed children Indiahas now raised objections with keevabout the comments made by zilinski ithas sought a clarification Mod's Moscowvisit also drew a sharp response fromWashington US state department said itraised with India concerns over its tieswith Russia cautioning that New Delhimust not take its us ties quote forgranted New Delhi has walked a tightrope with respect to its friendly tieswith Russia however so far it hasmanaged to maneuver itself out of thetough sport of avoiding taking sides andassuming neutrality in the defis of warin Russia Prime Minister Modi raised theissue of the Ukraine Russia hostilitiesas he pitched for peace he told hiscounterpart Putin that this is not thetime for war or conflicts and thatsolutions to disagreements are unlikelyto come through the war but ratherdialogue and peace mod highlights thehuman toll and suffering of the war inresponse Putin acknowledged India'sefforts towards resolution to theUkrainian conflict India's primeminister visited Moscow for the 22ndIndia annual Summit that took placeafter 3 years in December 2021 Russia'spresident Putin visited New Delhi in aneffort to deepen strategic ties withIndia and from all this our principaldiplomatic correspondent sidan Bal hassent us this report from New[Music]Delhi India has raised the issue of theremarks made by the president of Ukrainezalinski during the visit of primeminister Narendra Modi to Moscow lastweek now last week the Indian PrimeMinister was on a two-day visit toMoscow for the 22nd India Russia Summitnow essentially during a tweet theUkrainian president said that it'sdisheartening and blow to peace effortsthat the Indian Prime Minister and theRussian president met in Russia now theIndian Prime Minister was in Russia forthe annual India Russia Summit the 22ndEdition and uh during the visit theIndian Prime Minister also raised thematter of Russia Ukraine conflict andalso said that solution can't be foundedon abattlefield earlier we know that theIndian Prime Minister was in Italy thatis last month and there he met with thepresident of Ukraine zinski soessentially there has been goodconversation with both ke and withMoscow but these remarks are somethingthat are not seen well given that Indiahas been engaging with the two sidesvery neutrally with video journalist near P San for Von in New Delhi
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